CareRung Successfully Completed the Project of Plastic Runway in Hengyang No.3 Middle School.

The construction of the ring plastic runway has witnessed Hengyang No.3 Middle School’s farewell to the era of no formal plastic runway, and a new period of standard playground, which is equipped with a standardized green lawn, a plastic running track, a football training ground, and a fitness venue. In May 2018, the green plastic…

CareRung Took Part in the Foam EXPO 2020 Exhibition

On May 19th, 2020, CareRung participated in the Pu Tech Raw Materials Exhibition held in the United States. The company’s chairman, Mr. Robert Liu and the manager Ms Shining Liao, as well as several employees attended the exhibition. CareRung launched its high quality raw materials sponge in the exhibition. Compared with other companies’ sponge products,…

CareRung Built a “Dream Football Field” For Hengyang Zhongping Primary School.

Caring the students with warmth in Sanjiang. On July 31st, 2021, the opening ceremony of Hengyang Zhongping Primary School “dream football field” was successfully held. CareRung has made donation to the school, and renovated the school flag-raising platform, basketball court and other hardware facilities. CareRung also solved the problem of the school playground. It not…

Donating supplies to fight COVID-19

On February 20th, 2020, CareRung donated 200 cartons of pure drinking water and 5,000 masks to the community of Shuicheng County, Liupanshui, Guizhou province, to support those who are at the frontline in the fight against Covid19. Facing the epidemic, we are working together to overcome the difficulties. Our director Mr. Liu said when facing the outbreak…

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