CareRung Built a “Dream Football Field” For Hengyang Zhongping Primary School.

Caring the students with warmth in Sanjiang. On July 31st, 2021, the opening ceremony of Hengyang Zhongping Primary School “dream football field” was successfully held.

CareRung has made donation to the school, and renovated the school flag-raising platform, basketball court and other hardware facilities. CareRung also solved the problem of the school playground. It not only helps create good conditions for the students to enrich their extracurricular life and strengthen physical exercise for health, but also provides children with good learning environment, helping them grow up healthily.

As a domestic high-quality raw material company that provides sports field solutions, CareRung is good at research and development in high quality products. We provide timely, professional and efficient service. At the same time, the company never forgets the original intention of undertaking the social obligations, and actively participate in the public welfare and charity, contributing to the society with love. Children are the future of our country, making donation is a good way that benefits the present and the future. CareRung will continue to participate in public welfare activities, and fulfill the social mission with practical actions.

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